Replicating REM Relaxation Recording
As you know, the most effective way of emptying our stress bucket is through REM sleep. However, when our stress bucket is full and/or overflowing, the process of REM is impeded and so emptying our stress bucket during our nightly sleep can be challenging.
The good news is that there is another way of simulating REM sleep and it’s called Hypnosis (or trance). Trance replicates REM.
Hypnosis has historically been misunderstood as being something a bit woo woo and to be feared.
In reality the state of trance, which is achieved as a result of hypnosis, is a very natural state of altered consciousness which occurs when the brain wave frequency slows down and the prefrontal cortex in the brain becomes deactivated. When this occurs, the brain goes about processing events and emotions in the same way as REM sleep.
Trance can be achieved relatively easily, by listening to a hypnotherapeutic recording regularly.
We’ve provided two here for you
Listening to any one of these audios before you go to sleep each night will help you to empty your stress bucket, but not at the expense of the physical restorative sleep you also need.
It will also start to build your confidence in the skills and resources that you have available to you in your intellectual mind.
Simply press play on one of the purple boxes on this page and listen.
And please don’t worry if you don’t hear all of the recording – that is completely normal! Most people don’t remember much past going down the steps! It’ll still do the job.

Relaxation Recording